Are arrays supported in the Soap Toolkit?
Describe WSML
How do I run the Soap trace utility using MSSOAPT?
1. Modify the location attribute of the soap:address element in the WSDL to direct clients to port 8080. For example, if the WSDL contains
2. Run MSSOAPT on the server.
3. Choose File, New, Formatted Trace (if you don't need to see HTTP headers) or File, New Unformatted Trace (if do want to see HTTP headers like ContentType and SoapAction).
4. Click OK on the Trace Setup dialog to accept the default values.
Note:- Now all requests/responses to/from the address specified in the WSDL willshow up in the trace.
* To trace on the client using MSSOAPT:
1. Make a local copy of the service's WSDL document.
2. Modify the location attribute of the soap:address element in the WSDL to direct the client to localhost:8080 and make a note of the current host and port. For example, if the WSDL contains
3. Run MSSOAPT on the client.
4. Choose File, New, Formatted Trace (if you don't need to see HTTP headers) or File, New Unformatted Trace (if do want to see HTTP headers).
5. In the Trace Setup dialog, enter the host and port noted in step 2 as the destination host and destination port values, then click OK.
Now, any request/response sent from/to the client will show up in the trace.
What is Sensor Devices?
The sensor and location platform organizes sensors into categories, which represent broad classes of sensor devices, and types, which represent specific kinds of sensors. For example, a sensor in a video game controller that detects the position and movement of a player's hand (perhaps for a video bowling game) would be categorized as an Orientation sensor, but its type would be 3-D Accelerometer. In code, Windows represents categories and types by using globally unique identifiers (GUIDs), many of which are predefined. Device manufacturers can create new categories and types by defining and publishing new GUIDs when required.
Location devices make up one especially interesting category. By now, most people are familiar with global positioning systems (GPS). In Windows, a GPS is a sensor in the Location category. The Location category also includes other sensor types. Some of these sensor types are software based, such as an IP resolver that provides location information based on an Internet address, a mobile phone tower triangulator that determines location based on nearby towers, or static providers, such as a Wi-Fi network location provider that reads location information from the connected wireless network hub.
What's New in Office 2003 for Developers?
*Expanded XML support in Word 2003 and Excel 2003, including object model programmability and the use of customer-defined XML schemas.
*A new Office 2003 solutions model called smart documents.
*"Visual Studio Tools for Office."
*Significant smart tag enhancements.
*List technology.
*Office 2003 object model additions.
*A new business-form oriented product code-named Microsoft "XDocs," which includes a programmable object model.
Working with Tables and Lists in Excel
Tables and lists are excellent for organizing related data neatly into rows and columns. This makes the data easy to read, concise, and easy to filter. There are a number of benefits to putting your data into tables:
You can filter the data even if there are empty rows or columns.
Clicking into the table displays the filter arrows in the header row which give you options to sort and filter the data.
When you scroll past the column headers, the headers at the top of screen automatically switch to display the header names.
If you add a row after the last row or a column to the left of the last column in the table, the table expands to encapsulate the new row or column.
Charts or PivotTable dynamic views based on a table automatic update if the table size changes.
If you enter a formula in the first cell of the table row, the formula automatically fills down the entire column.
If you edit a formula in one field, all formulas in that row/column update automatically.
Microsoft code name "Oslo" Modeling Technologies
More Details
Feature Highlights - .NET diffrent version (2.0/2.0SP1/2.0SP2/3.0/3.0SP1/3/5/3.5SP1)
NET Framework Version | Reports | Feature Highlights |
3.5 SP1 3.0 SP2 2.0 SP2 | API Differences - 3.5 to 3.5 SP1: Note that the .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 and 3.0 SP2 service packs are installed by installing the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1. They provide functionality for future infrastructure. | Documentation: .NET Framework Class Library Version 3.5 Provides performance improvements for the common language runtime (CLR), Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). This version also provides the following new features:
3.5 3.0 SP1 2.0 SP1 | Documentation: .NET Framework Class Library Version 3.5 Provides several CLR performance improvements and introduces the following technologies:
| |
3.0 | Documentation: .NET Framework Class Library Version 3.0 Adds the following technologies to the .NET Framework:
No new features were added to the common language runtime and base class libraries in the .NET Framework 3.0. | |
2.0 | Documentation: .NET Framework Class Library Version 2.0 Provides the core architecture for versions 2.0, 3.0, and 3.5. Extends the version 1.0 and 1.1 functionality of the CLR and base class libraries in the following areas:
LINQ Query : How to Join in LINQ (with example)
from order in Customer.Orders...
LINQ Query : How to group in LINQ Query (with example)
// queryCustomersByCity is an IEnumerableIGrouping
var queryCustomersByCity =
from cust in customers
group cust by cust.City;
// customerGroup is an IGrouping
foreach (var customerGroup in queryCustomersByCity)
foreach (Customer customer in customerGroup)
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", customer.Name);
When you end a query with a group clause, your results take the form of a list of lists. Each element in the list is an object that has a Key member and a list of elements that are grouped under that key. When you iterate over a query that produces a sequence of groups, you must use a nested foreach loop. The outer loop iterates over each group, and the inner loop iterates over each group's members.
If you must refer to the results of a group operation, you can use the into keyword to create an identifier that can be queried further. The following query returns only those groups that contain more than two customers:
// custQuery is an IEnumerableIGrouping
var custQuery =
from cust in customers
group cust by cust.City into custGroup
where custGroup.Count() > 2
orderby custGroup.Key
select custGroup;
LINQ Query : How to order/sort in LINQ (with example)
var queryLondonCustomers3 =
from cust in customers
where cust.City == "London"
orderby cust.Name ascending
select cust;
LINQ Query : Filtering / Where
var queryLondonCustomers = from cust in customers
where cust.City == "London"
select cust;
You can use the familiar C# logical AND and OR operators to apply as many filter expressions as necessary in the where clause. For example, to return only customers from "London" AND whose name is "Devon" you would write the following code:
where cust.City=="London" && cust.Name == "Devon"
To return customers from London or Paris, you would write the following code:
where cust.City == "London" || cust.City == "Paris"
LINQ query :Obtaining a Data Source
//queryAllCustomers is an IEnumerable
var queryAllCustomers = from cust in customers
select cust
LINQ :Performing Operations on Source Elements
LINQ Queries : Transforming in-Memory Objects into XML
class XMLTransform
static void Main()
// Create the data source by using a collection initializer.
new Student {First="Svetlana", Last="Omelchenko", ID=111, Scores = new List
new Student {First="Claire", Last="O’Donnell", ID=112, Scores = new List
new Student {First="Sven", Last="Mortensen", ID=113, Scores = new List
// Create the query.
var studentsToXML = new XElement("Root",
from student in students
let x = String.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3}", student.Scores[0],
student.Scores[1], student.Scores[2], student.Scores[3])
select new XElement("student",
new XElement("First", student.First),
new XElement("Last", student.Last),
new XElement("Scores", x)
) // end "student"
); // end "Root"
// Execute the query.
// Keep the console open in debug mode.
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
The code produces the following XML output:
< Root>
LINQ Query with Example :Selecting a Subset of Each Source Element
1.To select just one member of the source element, use the dot operation. In the following example, assume that a Customer object contains several public properties including a string named City. When executed, this query will produce an output sequence of strings.
var query = from cust in Customers
select cust.City;
2. To create elements that contain more than one property from the source element, you can use an object initializer with either a named object or an anonymous type. The following example shows the use of an anonymous type to encapsulate two properties from each Customer element:
var query = from cust in Customer
select new {Name = cust.Name, City = cust.City};
LINQ:Joining Multiple Inputs into One Output Sequence
class Student
public string First { get; set; }
public string Last {get; set;}
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Street { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
public List
class Teacher
public string First { get; set; }
public string Last { get; set; }
public int ID { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
The following example shows the query:
class DataTransformations
static void Main()
// Create the first data source.
new Student {First="Svetlana",
Street="123 Main Street",
Scores= new List
new Student {First="Claire",
Street="124 Main Street",
Scores= new List
new Student {First="Sven",
Street="125 Main Street",
City="Lake City",
Scores= new List
// Create the second data source.
new Teacher {First="Ann", Last="Beebe", ID=945, City = "Seattle"},
new Teacher {First="Alex", Last="Robinson", ID=956, City = "Redmond"},
new Teacher {First="Michiyo", Last="Sato", ID=972, City = "Tacoma"}
// Create the query.
var peopleInSeattle = (from student in students
where student.City == "Seattle"
select student.Last)
.Concat(from teacher in teachers
where teacher.City == "Seattle"
select teacher.Last);
Console.WriteLine("The following students and teachers live in Seattle:");
// Execute the query.
foreach (var person in peopleInSeattle)
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
/* Output:
The following students and teachers live in Seattle:
Data Transformations with LINQ (C#)
* Merge multiple input sequences into a single output sequence that has a new type.
* Create output sequences whose elements consist of only one or several properties of each element in the source sequence.
* Create output sequences whose elements consist of the results of operations performed on the source data.
* Create output sequences in a different format. For example, you can transform data from SQL rows or text files into XML.
Type Relationships in LINQ Query Operations (C#)
LINQ query operations are strongly typed in the data source, in the query itself, and in the query execution. The type of the variables in the query must be compatible with the type of the elements in the data source and with the type of the iteration variable in the foreach statement. This strong typing guarantees that type errors are caught at compile time when they can be corrected before users encounter them.
IEnumerable variables in LINQ Queries
IEnumerable customerQuery =
from cust in customers
where cust.City == "London"
select cust;
foreach (Customer customer in customerQuery)
Console.WriteLine(customer.LastName + ", " + customer.FirstName);
Language-Integrated Query (LINQ)
Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) is a set of features in Visual Studio 2008 that extends powerful query capabilities to the language syntax of C# and Visual Basic. LINQ introduces standard, easily-learned patterns for querying and updating data, and the technology can be extended to support potentially any kind of data store. Visual Studio 2008 includes LINQ provider assemblies that enable the use of LINQ with .NET Framework collections, SQL Server databases, ADO.NET Datasets, and XML documents.
Why Use Windows Communication Foundation/Feature of WCF?
A distributed application built with Web services is a service-oriented application. ASP.NET Web Services (ASMX) has been available for building Web services since .NET was first released. Why then do you need Windows Communication Foundation? WCF provides a number of benefits over ASP.NET Web Services, including:
- Support for sending messages using not only HTTP, but also TCP other network protocols.
- The ability to switch message protocols with minimal effort.
- Support for hosting services on hosts other than a Web server.
- Built-in support for the latest Web services standards (SOAP 1.2 and WS-*) and the ability to easily support new ones.
- Support for security, transactions and reliability.
- Support for sending messages using formats other than SOAP, such as Representational State Transfer (REST).
WCF:Configuring Service Endpoints
Configuring Transport Security
How do developers target the Client Profile Preview?
Visual Studio 2008 SP1 has the option to target the "Client-only Framework Subset". Visual Studio developers can view their project properties and view the Advanced Compiler Options. The options will allow users to target the framework their application will require (.NET Framework 2.0, 3.0 or 3.5). There will also be a check-box to target the "Client-only Framework Subset". This option will change the project in two subtle ways.
- First, at compile time, the reference list of DLLs will be matched up against the known "Client List" of DLLs that are included in the Client Profile. If the project has a reference to an assembly that is not included, in the "Client List", the developer will see compile-time warnings/errors.
- Second, the project will add a configuration file that will specifically declare the application as a "client" application. The configuration file will allow their application to run on a computer with just the Client Profile installed. Without the configuration file, the end-user will be prompted to install .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 or greater
How does the .NET Framework Client Profile Preview correlate to the full .NET Framework?
The .NET Framework Client Profile Preview is a subset of the full .NET Framework 3.5 SP1. The Client Profile Preview subset does not contain any assemblies that are not found in the full framework. In addition, the deployment of the .NET Framework Client Profile Preview will also allow users to update their computers to the full .NET Framework 3.5 SP1. The .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 will be a critical update to .NET Framework 3.5, pushed out to users via Windows Update. On Windows Vista and later versions of Windows, the Client Profile Preview setup bootstrapper will install updates to the full framework as needed since those versions of Windows already have the full profile of the .NET Framework.
What is the .NET Framework Client Profile Preview?
The .NET Framework Client Profile Preview is a new setup option for the .NET Framework available for the first time in 3.5 SP1. This new setup installer enables a faster, simpler installation experience for .NET Framework-based client applications on Windows XP and Windows Vista.
C# 3.0 Top New Features
Implicitly Typed Local Variables
- Local variables can be declared as type ‘var’ which means compiler to determine the actual type based on the data by which its is initialized.
- var i = 10; // i is created of type int
- var name = “MyName” ; // name is created of type string
- can only be used when declared and initialized in same statement.
- Cannot be initialized to null.
- Cannot be used as class members.
- Mostly used to store anonymous types as in LINQ based programming.
Object & Collection Initializers
- Allow assigning values to any accessible members or properties of a type at the time of initiation without invoking the constructor with parameters.
- The default constructor gets executed before assigning the values.
- E.g. Coordinate c1 = new Coordinate {x=1 , y=2};
- Used in LINQ query expressions along with anonymous types.
- Collection Initializers use Object Initializers to specify multiple elements of collection without calling Add method multiple times.
Extension Methods
- Allows adding new methods to existing types without modifying the existing type.
- Are special kind of static methods but are called as if they are instance methods.
- The first parameter passed to Extension methods specifies to which type they operate on preceded by ‘this’ keyword.
- They cannot access the private variables of type which they are extending.
- Extension Methods need to defined in a non-nested and non-generic static class.
- Instance methods take priority over extension methods in case they have same signature.
Anonymous Types
- Are of class types which can have only public read-only properties as their members. No other class members like methods are allowed.
- They are of reference types and are derived from ‘Object’ class.
- Internally compiler gives them the name but its not accessible by application code.
- They have a method scope.
- Can be initiated directly e.g. new { property1=1, property2=”Hello World”};
Lambda Expressions
- Very similar to anonymous methods introduced in C# 2.0.
- Its an inline expression or statement block which can be used to pass arguments to method call or assign value to delegate.
- All lambda expression use lambda operator => where the left side denotes result and right contains statement block or expression.
Auto-Implemented Properties
- Helps in simplifying property declaration in cases where there is no custom logic required in accessors methods.
- E.g. public int Price {get; set;};
- Internally compiler creates an anonymous field for assigning values.
.NET Framework 3.5 : What's new in ASP.NET
- Support for enabling existing ASP.NET 2.0 pages for AJAX
- Creation of ASMX & WCF based web services and consuming them from AJAX Library
- ASP.NET server side application services like authentication, roles management exposed as web services
- ASP.NET Merge Tool - a new tool for merging pre-compiled assemblies
- New ListView control which supports edit, insert, delete, sorting & paging
- ASP.NET integrated with core IIS 7.0 which makes ASP.NET services like authentication & caching available for other content types also.
- Microsoft AJAX Library to support AJAX based web development
ASP.NET 3.5 as an Alternative to CGI
ASP.NET’s state-management facilities provide you with the tools that you need to control state. You do not necessarily want to save all states of a web page, but you certainly want to save the state of data entered by users and perhaps the URL of a page. Having state
management allows you to do this.
It seems that the term state is used in different ways in programming. I’ve heard of everything from “State Machines” to “State Design Patterns.” What
ASP.NET 3.5: Key Skills & Concepts
- Moving from client-side to server-side computing
- Understanding thin client
- Understanding stateless HTTP
- How ASP.NET 3.5 is an alternative to HTTP and CGI
- How server-side applications work with your browser
- Understanding the organization of the Microsoft .NET framework
- How to set up your computer or LAN to run ASP.NET applications
- The advantages of an ASP.NET hosting service
- What languages can be run with ASP.NET
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In terms of WCF, What is an address?
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