How do I run the Soap trace utility using MSSOAPT?

* To trace on the server using MSSOAPT:

1. Modify the location attribute of the soap:address element in the WSDL to direct clients to port 8080. For example, if the WSDL contains , change it to .

2. Run MSSOAPT on the server.

3. Choose File, New, Formatted Trace (if you don't need to see HTTP headers) or File, New Unformatted Trace (if do want to see HTTP headers like ContentType and SoapAction).

4. Click OK on the Trace Setup dialog to accept the default values.

Note:- Now all requests/responses to/from the address specified in the WSDL willshow up in the trace.

* To trace on the client using MSSOAPT:

1. Make a local copy of the service's WSDL document.

2. Modify the location attribute of the soap:address element in the WSDL to direct the client to localhost:8080 and make a note of the current host and port. For example, if the WSDL contains , change it to and make note of "MyServer".

3. Run MSSOAPT on the client.

4. Choose File, New, Formatted Trace (if you don't need to see HTTP headers) or File, New Unformatted Trace (if do want to see HTTP headers).

5. In the Trace Setup dialog, enter the host and port noted in step 2 as the destination host and destination port values, then click OK.

Now, any request/response sent from/to the client will show up in the trace.